IAHP developed with the support of the Italian Historical Society of America
Italian American Heritage Project
The Italian American Heritage Project (IAHP) provides educational resources about Italian American history, heritage,
and culture with a straightforward view on the roles of Italians in American history and culture.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission except when published with this credit:
Excerpt from the Italian American Heritage Project, ©2018-2024 Janice Therese Mancuso.
Copyright 2018-2025 Janice Therese Mancuso
Contact: jtmancuso@earthlink.net Subject: IAHP
and in collaboration with
What is the truth about Columbus?
How were Italian immigrants treated?
Why were Italians interned during World War II?
What are Italian stereotypes?
Why are Italian stereotypes still so common?
What does being Italian American mean?
Why isn’t Italian American History
part of American History?
What is being taught in schools?
What educational resources are available?
How can Italian Americans keep their traditions?
Thirty-One Days of Italians
Italian American Press
Help Preserve Your Italian Heritage
The Internet has changed the way news (fact or fabrication) travels. Social media spreads information and misinformation at an equal rate.
It’s difficult to always know what is being distributed through various online networks and websites. Constant monitoring and
communication are essential ... and that takes time.
Help preserve Italian American history, heritage, and culture by contributing to keep this website online.
Contributions are tax deductible.
Welcome to the Italian American Heritage Project (IAHP)
This website will feature periodic updates that include articles (with links to resources), lesson plans, and links to websites that offer a
straightforward view on the roles of Italians in American history and culture.
Each month, Tutto Italiano offers short articles and links to Italian related
websites to educate and enlighten readers on everything Italian.
Preserve Your
Italian Heritage
Slide presentation highlighting acclaimed
neoclassical sculptor Antonio Canova and some
of his artwork, including his only statue of an
American president.
Learn more.